启动Foobar200O 时提示" Failed to load dll " 错误

09-07| http://www.dianzi6.com | 电脑技术 - 影音娱乐|人气:596

启动Foobar200O 时提示" Failed to load dll " 错误
  最近启动Foobar200O 时,就会弹出一个错误提示“Failed to load dll : foo_masstag_addons.dll reason : this applicati on has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect . reinstalling the application may fix this problem . ”。请问这是怎么回事?

  这是因为foo_masstag_addons.dll 需要VCS 运行库,只需下载并安装VCS 运行库就可以解决这个问题。
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